Week 56: Costa Rica and our “Casa del Surf”

September 29, 2009 - Filed under Weekly Report

After a great month back in Canada visiting family and friends we were both anxious to get back to what’s become “normal life” for us. We arrived in Costa Rica Saturday night and breezed through customs. The airport in Liberia is super small, basically a converted airplane hanger, and makes arriving in the Costa Rica really easy. Plus, flying into Liberia meant we were only about an hours drive from Tamarindo, instead of the 4-5 hours it would take from San Jose.

I had been to Tamarindo about 6 years ago, and have great memories of it being a sleepy little surf town so convinced Mike it would make a good first stop in our quest for a place to live.

Tamarindo, Costa Rica

We spent the first few days checking out the town, which has grown a lot since I was here last. We rented mountain bikes and road around looking for ‘for rent’ signs, and then spent a few hours online checking out some links we’d found on craigslist.

We looked at a bunch of different places and although there were a couple of good options, one of them definitely stood out. In typical Costa Rican fashion there were a couple of hiccups, but we managed to get it all worked out and moved in on Thursday.

Tamarindo, Costa Rica – Our Condo

The place is great, it’s a two bedroom, three bathroom condo not too far from the beach. Although it’s a little more than we wanted to pay, it’s really livable and we’re already super comfortable here. Plus we’ve got an extra bedroom for family and friends, so let us know if you’re looking to come surfing!

Our Condo - Tamarindo, Costa Rica

The rest of the week was spent getting settled into our place, grocery shopping and of course getting some work done. We had a couple of days of rain, which definitely made putting in those work hours a little easier, but considering it’s suppose to be rainy season right now we’ve been really lucky with the weather.

All-in-all it’s been a great first week, and now that we’ve got the hard part done, we’re looking forward to settling in for a few months. Next up spanish lessons!

Playa Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Posted by: Kelly

3 Comments so far

  1. Richard October 9, 2009 2:55 am

    The new place looks amazing and that pic of the surf shop is stunning. Do you have any plans to take up surfing in addition to your spanish? :)
    .-= Richard´s last blog ..Five Weeks and a Phone Call =-.

  2. Shim October 9, 2009 11:18 am

    Thanks Richard. Yes, we’ll definitely be taking up surfing at some point. The breaks here look great. It’s the perfect place to learn.

  3. Greg October 27, 2009 9:33 pm

    I was there! Costa Rica Surf Club they rent me a barely new Firewire ??? its like walk into a car rental and rent a Ferrari…
    The guy on the photo is Jonatan, they were super friendly.
    Puro Vida!

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