
September 11, 2008 - Filed under Drinks

I wouldn’t call myself a beer connoisseur. More of a cross-sectional consumer, but I do like to sample a little bit of everything and the Philippines has a few very good beers. All come with little paper hats… which possibly serves some sort of sanitary purpose? Maybe to keep out flies while sitting on the bar waiting to be delivered? Perhaps to mop up the condensation which inevitably drips off the bottle and into your lap? No, it’s actually just so you can wipe off the lip of the bottle…

San Miguel Pilsen – Long live the stubby bottle! The standard beer of the Philippines. Ranges from P25 to P65  (Approx $0.50 – $1.50) depending how touristy the bar is. Light and refresing. Available on every corner in the Philippines and in British Columbia at most government liquor stores. An amusing tagline on the back of most bottles reads, “A truly satisfying beer with a refined well-balanced flavor. Perfected and brewed for over a century. The only beer that nourishes true Filipino friendships.” Read More…

Posted by: Shim


September 11, 2008 - Filed under Entertainment

Over the last week I’ve been waking at obscene hours in the morning due to crazy wind and rainstorms, loud air conditioners, bats, cicadas, mosquitoes, jet lag, and any number of other excuses. So, I’ve been watching a lot of tv till the rest of the country wakes up and breakfast is available (I’m really looking forward to having my own kitchen soon!). While there are many of the same television networks we’re used to like CNN, BBC, National Geographic Channel, and The Discovery Channel. It’s fair to say that there’s a number of interestingly quirky shows and stations that have caught my attention. Here’s a few:

The Soundtrack Channel – That’s right… music videos from soundtracks. That’s it! Classic.

Religious Evangelism – There must be 20 channels, non-stop, day and night. I can buy my salvation from most of them for a pledge of $80/month for 6 months. Read More…

Posted by: Shim

Where We Are

September 10, 2008 - Filed under Travel

For those of you wondering where we are in the Philippines, I’ve made you a map.

Posted by: Kelly

Week 1: Panglao and Bohol

September 9, 2008 - Filed under Weekly Report

After 18 hours of traveling we finally arrived in Cebu. Despite a relatively decent flight, we were both hot and tired and just wanted to sleep so we took a taxi straight to our hotel. We’d decided to stay just one night in the city, get over our jet lag and then head off to Panglao, a small island off the tip of Bohol.

We woke up quite early the next morning and decided to get a jump on things and take the first ferry of the day. Two hours later we arrived at the port of Tagbilaran. The ferry terminal was surprisingly un-caotic and we were able to grab a taxi with relatively little hassle. A short 25 min ride and we were on Alona beach, the busier tourist area of Panglao Island. I’d done a bit of research on hotels before we arrived and after dragging our heavy bags even a short way down the beach in the hot sun, we were happy to arrive at one of the ones on the list. Read More…

Posted by: Kelly

Two dudes, one bike…

September 9, 2008 - Filed under Bikes, Trikes, and Automobiles, Travel

Adjusting to the custom of the country is challenging, sometimes shocking, and always an amusing part of any travel experience. No matter the preconceived notions of what you’ll encounter, the horror stories, or raving reviews of every place along the way… It’s always different in person.

Upon landing in Cebu, we took a cab to the hotel where we’d booked our first night to recover from the flight. The cab, pulling out of the parking lot, cut off a number of motorcycles and proceeded to drive down the middle of the street ignoring all oncoming traffic except for the jeepneys and 4 ton trucks which held even less regard for others sharing the roadway. It appears that the center line is only a suggestion, at best. I understand why the vehicles are adorned with crosses and passages from the bible. I was praying the entire way… Read More…

Posted by: Shim

Goodbye Vancouver

September 9, 2008 - Filed under Planning

Our last two weeks in Vancouver went by faster than I ever thought they could. Reality started to set in that we were leaving and the magnitude of all the things we still had to do, finally started to hit. Vaccinations, health insurance, visas, packing, getting rid of the last of our things, and of course connecting with everyone before we left.

Between our going away party, and many nights out with close friends, we’ve managed to say goodbye to almost everyone on the list. It’s been great to spend our last few days surrounded by good friends and family. And I think I’ve come to realize, that the thing I’m going to miss most about Vancouver is just that – all of you!

So long and thanks for all the drinks!

Posted by: Kelly

Telling the ones you love

September 6, 2008 - Filed under Planning

I’ve had the urge to travel for as long as I can remember. Even as a child I was a wanderer. Much to my mother’s dismay and often times embarrassment, I was an explorer. It didn’t really matter where we were, sometimes it was at the park, sometimes on family vacation, or, more often than not, at the grocery store. She’d turn her back for a second and i’d be off, wandering the aisles in search of the great unknown. Then, before long, that all too familiar voice would be heard over the intercom.

“Attention shoppers: Could the mother of a blond haired, blue eyed girl, wearing a red t-shirt please come to customer service?”

My mother would flush with embarrassment, as she once again went to retrieve her wandering child from the security desk.

Twenty-some years later, I’m still a wanderer. And although my mother is used to it. I don’t think it gets any easier.  In fact I think it gets harder.

When I was 21 and set out to see the world it was expected, and encouraged. But now, years later, when you tell your family you’re quitting your job, selling everything you own and moving half-way around the world, it can be a little harder to understand.

Posted by: Kelly

Sticking it out at the job

September 6, 2008 - Filed under Planning

Once we’d made the decision to go it was on to the fun part, deciding when and where to go. We spent countless hours talking about islands and beaches and realistically when we thought we could actually do this.  It wasn’t like we could just pick up and leave the next day.  There was planning and researching and of course saving, which naturally meant keeping the day job.

At first it wasn’t that hard, I liked my job, and August seemed forever away.  But the closer it got, the closer I came to just blurting it out.  Someone would mention that a client wanted to launch in September, and all I could think, was “Great, I won’t be here, they can do whatever they want” But of course I couldn’t say that. That would be unprofessional, and I didn’t want to get fired before I quit.

So i stuck it out. Of course there were days that were harder than others. There were days when it was raining and I just wanted to rollover and stay in bed, especially once Mike had quit. But I stuck it out, kept quite and slowly the months passed by.

When Q-day finally came, I had run the scenario in my head so many times it should have been easy. But as the moment approached I still wasn’t sure exactly what I was gonna say. I passed my boss in the hall and asked if he had a minute. We went into a meeting room and I just kind of blurted it out. “I’m giving my notice.” It felt good to finally say it. “I’m quitting. I’m going traveling. It’s not you it’s me.”

It felt like a giant weight had been lifted off my shoulders. All this time, all that planning, this was official, we were actually doing it, and I no longer had to keep it a secret.

Posted by: Kelly

Making the Decision

September 6, 2008 - Filed under Planning

Almost five years ago, I returned from two years of living and working abroad. Like many people who travel, I returned for what I thought was a “temporary” period. I’d planned to stick around for no more than a year. Just enough time to plan the next trip, the next adventure… but somehow life got in the way.

I fell back in with familiar friends, landed a really great job, and found an amazing apartment. Before I knew it, I was settled, and you know what, it felt good. It was nice to sit still for a while and the longer I stayed, the easier it became.

Almost too easy.

A little over a year ago the monotony started to get to me. I realized I was living life for the weekends, counting my vacation days, and daydreaming of something better. That great job I thought I had was turning into just a job, and I was ready for a change.

But just how big a change was I thinking? And what about Mike?

The first time I moved overseas it was just me. I didn’t have to worry about what someone else wanted. It was a big decision, but it was my decision. This time there were two of us.

I can’t really remember how it came up. It was just something that started to pop into daily conversations. Mike had been unhappy at his job for a while, and I think we were both starting to feel the need for change. The first few times we talked about it, it was more of a hypothetical conversation. But the more we talked about it, the more it became a possibility, and eventually a reality.

Posted by: Shim