The great blog catch up of 2011

May 4, 2011 - Filed under General

No we haven’t fallen off the face of the earth… and no we haven’t stopped traveling. Things have just been a little uneventful over the last 6 months, and I mean that in the best way possible.

When we last left you we had just returned to Roatan for another 3 months. We’d had a great 4 months in Mexico, but were happy to return to Roatan… to familiar faces, and great diving. Work had become busier than ever for both of us and we just sort of fell into a routine. We spent our days working at home, and then usually wandered down to the dive shop for a couple of after-work beers, followed by happy hour at the local beach bar. From there it was either dinner at home, or dinner out… or often a communal cooking night, or BBQ with friends. On weekends we’d go diving, and hang out at the beach, and spend our evenings much the same way as any other night.

We never intended to abandon the blog we just got caught up in all this routine… which after 2 years on the road, was actually really nice. Unfortunately, routine doesn’t really make for the most interesting blog posts. Sure we were having a great time, but we just didn’t have anything new and exciting to post about. So we let things slide. And the longer we left it the harder it became to get back into it. We were enjoying life, and didn’t feel like taking the time to document it online.

We vowed to catch up on things over Christmas in Canada… but as you can see that just didn’t happen either. We were busy meeting up with old friends and family, and just enjoying the holidays at home.

After Christmas we returned to Roatan, for yet another 3 months, and picked up right where we left off. We were in a new apartment but other than that, things remained the same. We worked, we dove, we chilled. Unfortunately, the blog suffered.

But… we’ve now moved on! After a somewhat sad a tearful good-bye we’ve finally left Roatan.

New adventures await… so stay tuned, I promise to be more diligent.

Posted by: Kelly

1 Comment so far

  1. jewelies May 5, 2011 11:53 am

    Glad to see you guys back, I look forward to the new adventures in europe :)

    I for one will be in classes all summer and daydreaming about being in europe.

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