Week 58: Settling In

October 13, 2009 - Filed under Weekly Report

It’s amazing how fast you can settle in to a routine. We’ve been in our new place for less than three weeks and already it feels like home. As Mike mentioned last week, we’ve both been trying to work off all the beer and deep fried foods we consumed last year in Asia, and work is starting to pick up. Unfortunately this all makes for rather boring blog posts, but hey, it can’t always be Saturday.

living room & kitchen

We did however take a little bit of time out this week. On Wednesday we rented a motorbike and drove up to Playa Grande, a 3 mile stretch of beach, about 30 mins north of Tamarindo. The beach of Playa Grande forms part of Las Baulas, National Park, so remains practically untouched by development.

Playa Grande, Costa Rica

Every year from October to March it’s home to the endangered Leatherback Sea Turtles, which come ashore to lay their eggs on the beach. In a couple of weeks a friend from Vancouver is coming down to visit and on the list of things to do is a night tour, to try and see the nesting turtles.

Playa Grande, Costa Rica

This weekend was also Thanksgiving back in Canada, and although we did see turkeys in the grocery store, decided that with just the two of us, a chicken was probably a better option. It felt a little strange roasting a chicken with stuffing and the works in 32° weather, but it sure did taste good.

Of course in typical Thanksgiving tradition, it got us thinking of what we’re thankful for, and well… Mike and I are extremely thankful we’re able to live our lives this way, and even more thankful we have each other to share it with. We miss all our friends a family terribly, but are hoping some of you’ll come visit!

So as the weather starts to get colder up north remember we have a second bedroom, and consistent 32° weather. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Posted by: Kelly

4 Comments so far

  1. Janis October 20, 2009 12:42 pm

    Wow, your place looks amazing. Great kitchen!
    .-= Janis´s last blog ..Granville Island Night Photowalk =-.

  2. jim k May 29, 2011 7:18 pm

    o my gosh what a beautiful view u got there of the ocean and all looks so much like paradise

  3. Sheila T. Zimmerman August 4, 2011 12:12 am

    I want to spend thanksgiving in Canada too! Great pictures!

  4. Timothy December 25, 2011 1:09 am

    What an amazing destination for Thanksgiving! I’d love to bring my family to a place like yours.

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