How to watch tv online while traveling

May 28, 2009 - Filed under Entertainment

While we’re off roaming the globe, our television options can be somewhat limited. Every odd MotoGP Sunday I can wander to an English pub to watch Valentino Rossi win another race, but during the NHL playoffs and Superbowl it was near impossible to see anything more than the highlights. Finding a sports bar with satellite tv open at 5AM can be a challenge.

We often only have three or four channels in English, most of which are news or movie networks. Many of the shows we watch back home aren’t licensed for worldwide distribution until years after they air back in Canada and while networks do broadcast sporting events online they too are often restricted by broadcast licenses, so they geographically restrict who can watch the video streams online.

Over the last nine months I’ve compiled a list of reliable sites and resources that have helped me workaround the geographic restrictions of watching television online. The list is always growing as I come across new resources in an effort to not miss out on my sports fix till they figure out how to internationally license sporting events online. If you have any to add, I’d appreciate it. – Daily updated links to video streams of sports and television programs. and – Daily updated links to P2P streams of sports. Various players required. – Internet TV broadcasts, Flash Player. – Internet TV broadcasts, Flash Player.

Sopcast – P2P internet tv player.

TVAnts – Another P2P internet tv player.

nRuby – Canadian proxy server.

WorldProxy – Another proxy server with CA, US, UK, and AU proxies to choose from.

Hotspot Shield – Browse anonymously using a US proxy.

VLC Player – Plays many video formats not natively supported by Windows Media Player or Quicktime.

KickYouTube – Go to any Youtube video, change the url from to, download in a variety of formats. Love it.

And of course there’s torrents if you’re cool with not watching a live stream. I won’t go into details as there are a million well known sites available where you can download a television series, movies, and whatnot.

I should note that while it is not legal to re-broadcast sporting events and television, these resources are merely sites that link to existing broadcasts by people who could care less. As per usual, use at your own risk.

Posted by: Shim

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